3010 Aborting program: A required file (txtrobj.dat) is missing.
3011 This file is not a valid course file.
3012 This application does not support courses with custom/user data.
3013 This course is missing a hole data file.
3014 This application requires that at least Direct X 6.1 is installed on your computer. Please run the installation program to install DX 6.
3015 The application was not able to load the Direct Draw component of Direct X.
3016 No valid combination of display settings could be found to run GBC. Please check the system requirements in your product documentation.
3017 Your display settings preferences could not be used. We've tried to scale back to the next best settings. Usually this happens when trying to use hardware acceleration with a higher resolution than display memory can support. You should visit the display preferences section and make new selections.
3018 Your current desktop screen settings cannot be used to run Golden Bear Challenge in windowed mode (to run in windowed mode your display must be set to 16-bit color). Would you like to run in full screen mode?
3019 Your system cannot support hardware acceleration at the resolution requested in the display settings preferences. Hardware acceleration has been disabled. If you would like to try a lower resolution with hardware support visit the display preferences section and make new selections.
3020 Your system cannot support hardware acceleration at the resolution requested in the display settings preferences. Hardware acceleration has been disabled and the game screen resolution has been lowered. If you would like to try different settings visit the display preferences section and make new selections.
3021 Your system cannot provide the display resolution requested in the display settings preferences. The game screen resolution has been lowered. If you would like to try different settings visit the display preferences section and make new selections.
3022 An error occurred which it is not possible to recover from. The application will now exit.
3023 ANV_CreateDirectDrawSurface() returned NULL surface.
3024 Error! Can't open golfer file '%s'.
3025 Your display settings have been changed to a mode that is not compatible with this application. Either reset them or quit and restart the game.
3026 Error! You must have at least one golfer in your list.
3027 To delete a golfer, select a name from the main list.\nTo remove a player from the current foursome, press the 'Remove' button.
3028 This game does not allow holes to be conceded.
3029 The application was not able to obtain required multimedia services from the system. Restarting your computer will most likely clear up the problem.
3031 You must configure the season before it can be started.
3032 Golden Bear Challenge has been set to run in full screen mode. Your current desktop screen settings cannot be used to run in windowed mode (to run in windowed mode your display must be set to 16-bit color).
4501 OLE Initialization Failed.
4502 Anvil Initialization Failed.
4503 Error! A required file (%s) was not found.\nYou may need to insert the Golden Bear Challenge CD or check your installation.
4504 Error! This version of the application is not compatible\nwith this star file (%s).\n File is too new.
4505 Error! This version of the application is not compatible\nwith this star file (%s).\n File is too old.
4507 Error! You must select at least one golfer.
4508 Golden Bear Challenge
4509 .golfer
4510 Error! This version of the application is not compatible\nwith this star file (%s).\n(Library version mismatch.)
4511 Error creating shot log file. Shots will not be logged.
4512 Error writing to shot log. Shot logging for this game will be terminated.
4513 Error! Can't find player file '%s'. Player not removed.
4514 Error! Can't remove player file '%s'. Operating system error.
4515 Error! Maximum players for this game type: %d.
4516 Error! Minimum players for this game type: %d.
4517 Error! Players required for this game type: %d.
4518 Warning! This game type limits you to %d player(s). Please correct the selections you have made on the Players tab.
4519 Error! Golfer name '%s' is already in use.
4520 Error! No more than 14 clubs may be selected.
4521 Error! You must select at least one club.
4522 Error! Golfer file for player '%s' is marked Read-Only. \nYour changes have not been saved.
4523 A file system error occurred writing golfer file for '%s' to disk.\n Your changes have not been saved.
4524 Error! The golfer file '%s' contains golfer '%s'.\nThis golfer file cannot be used until this mismatch is corrected.
32788 Set Application Preferences.
32789 Error! Unable to read data from golfer file '%s'. Player omitted from golfer list.
32790 Player name can't contain any of these characters: \"\/:*?\"<>|\".
32792 A file for this new golfer already exists. The existing file, '%s.golfer', is either invalid or contains a different golfer.\n\nPlease correct this situation and try again.
32793 Unable to remove old golfer file for '%s'.
32794 Are you SURE you want to PERMANENTLY delete '%s'?
32795 Debug Options
32796 Preferences
32797 Error! Your application version is incompatible with the version used to create this game.
32798 Reserved Error.
32799 Reserved Error.
32800 Reserved Error.
32801 Reserved Error.
32802 Reserved Error.
32803 Reserved Error.
32804 Reserved Error.
32805 Reserved Error.
32806 Reserved Error.
32807 An unknown error occurred.
32808 An error occurred. This is just a placeholder, a real description of the error will eventually replace this!
32809 Sorry, you don't have any Quick Start saved settings. You must play at least one non-network game first.
32810 Error! Unable to start a game with the options selected.